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Sheet Metal Workbook
New Easier to Read Notebook Style
This Precision Sheet Metal Layout Manual will help the
beginning shop employee or student to understand how to use
basic math, trigonometry and geometry in the development of flat
patterns. It is designed to be used with a scientific calculator
encouraging more productive and efficient layout procedures.
The manual instructs how to do flat pattern development of 90
degree, obtuse and acute bend angles. It teaches how to use bend
deduction or bend allowance formulas, bend reliefs, corner
notching, joggles, hems and much more.
It is written in a workbook style format that starts with basic
concepts and builds up to more complicated problems. These
illustrations are samples from the manual. Workbook measures
8-1/2" x 11" and contains 55 pages plus 3 bonus pages!.
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DVC Planners Sheet Metal Layout Manual #1
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